Introducing Unscoped Associations
Ruby on Rails is a great framework with a lot of built-in options and customizations, specially regarding the data/models layer (Active Record). One of them is the ability to collect instances of a particular class using a default_scope
. Very useful to collect “scoped” data by default, but pulling objects via associations is also affected, leading sometimes to weird behavior (think in “soft deletes”).
This library allows you to easily skip the default_scope
when navigating through your associations:
belongs_to :user, unscoped: true
Supported associations:
More information, source and follow up here.
Add this line to your Gemfile:
gem 'unscoped_associations'
Scenario usage
From now on, you’re able to use the unscoped
option in your association definitions. Basic usage example:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :comments # or , unscoped: false
has_many :all_comments, class_name: 'Comment',
unscoped: true
has_one :last_comment, class_name: 'Comment',
order: 'created_at DESC',
unscoped: true
default_scope where( active: true )
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user, unscoped: true
default_scope where( public: true )
@user.comments # => return public comments
@user.all_comments # => return all comments skipping default_scope
@user.last_comment # => return last comment skipping default_scope
@comment.user # => return user w/o taking account 'active' flag
Tested on Rails 3.x series and Rails 4.0.0. Originally thought and built for Rails 3, Rails 4 supported.
NOTE: Rails 4 introduces some updates (and more planned for upcoming releases) related to this part. For example, in Rails 4, you are able to customize associations using a scope block, so you can skip default_scope
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :all_comments, -> { where public: [true, flase] }, class_name: 'Comment'
Anyway, you can still use unscoped
option, if you prefer.
Feel free to fork, send ideas, bugs or any comment.